CERTIFICATION ISO 9001:2008 AND ISO 14001:2004

Our interest for the total quality and maximum satisfaction of our clients has always been present, under this commitment we would like to highlight that Unicon Development is certified by agency Bureau Veritas ISO9001:2008 and ISO14001:2004.


In the last years, the projects we were involved in have been increasing and so has been doing our attention and care about quality and environment.

ISO 9001:2008 and ISO14001:2004 are worldwide standards defined and managed by the International Organization for Standarization (ISO), based in Switzerland. They are worldwide renowned standards for quality and Environment respectively, so obtaining ISO 9001:2009 and ISO14001:204 certification makes it possible for our company to be part of a very select group.

  • Certification provides confidence to our customers and other stakeholders that our business is run effectively.
  • The process of achieving and maintaining the certification contributes to ensure a continuous improvement and refining of our activities.
  • The regular assessment process improves staff responsibility, commitment and motivation.
  • Certification process improves overall performance, removes uncertainty and widens market opportunities.

One Response to “CERTIFICATION ISO 9001:2008 AND ISO 14001:2004”

  1. JimC Reply

    This shows a tremendous commitment to both the environment and delivering a quality end product. I hope your customers understand how this signify’s how well your organization is managed.

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