Palm Camayenne Official Inauguration

Palm Camayenne Inauguration

Last March 20th, the Palm Camayenne Hotel was officially inaugurated by H.E. President Alpha Condé, President of the Republic of Guinee.

The event was joined by government personalities, as the Minister of Tourism, Loucény Camara, Dixin authorities, as Mr. M’Bemba Bangoura,  international organizations, international embassies located in Guinee, public and private investors and Unicon Development representatives.

The ceremony started with the cutting  of the ribbon and the unveilling of a commemorative plaque by H.E. President Alpha Condé. Next, all the delegation visited the facilities of the hotel.


Inauguration Camayenne_unveilling_plaque

During the speeches the minister of Tourism, Mr. Loucény Camara and the respresentative of the Dixin Delegation, Mr. M’Bemba Bangura, highlighted that Palm Camayenne is the first 5 star hotel in the country and they expressed the commitment of the Guinean community to preserve it.

H.E. the President, expressed his gratitude and satisfaction to Unicon for the work done, claiming that this infrastructure will contribute to the development of tourism in the country. He also pointed out that the hotel will be a reference in the region and will offer quality insfrastructures to international visitors.

For his part, Miguel Ángel García, representative of Unicon Development Spain, hightlited the work of the construction team and the international quality standards of the hotel which in a very short period of time has become a reference in the West Africa region. He specified that the project has been a vector of training, social development and integration since the 165 local employees hired for hotel operations, the majority of them younger tan 30, have followed an extensive and demanding training programme to ensure the highest level of services to clients.


Finally, the Minister of Tourism awarded Jesús Nieto -Unicon construction manager-  for the work done at Camayenne.

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After the speeches all guests enjoyed a cocktail and local performances at the gardens of the hotel.


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Guests reception at Palm Camayenne gardens.

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Authorities gallery at Palm Camayenne gardens.

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Local groups performances at Palm Camayenne gardens. 


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