Unicon attends the Pilar Mateo Foundation Gala


Hundreds of guests gathered at The Ateneo Mercantil of Valencia on November 30th for the 2013 Pilar Mateo Foundation Gala.

Dr. Pilar Mateo CYCA Foundation-Science and Knwoledge in Action organized a supporting dinner to present the Project: “Indigenous Women’s Movement of the World”. Unicon Foundation joined the event as one of children’s pro-education leaders in Africa.


“Unicon joined the event as one of children’s pro-education leaders in Africa.”


During the dinner, a formal program presentation was displayed in order to summarize the different scopes of the Foundation works, from its scientific and supportive fight in Bolivia until the discovery of the microencapsulation technology to combat endemic illness. Soumiya Pereira was mentioned as part of the most committed and influential group of women for African education development.


“Soumiya Pereira was mentioned as part of the most committed and influential group of women for African education development.”


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Unicon Chair, Soumiya Pereira, joined the Pilar Mateo Fundation Gala hosted at The Ateneo Mercantil, Valencia, on November 30th.


The gala was joined by many society notables incluiding Asunción Sánchez Zaplana -Regional Minister for Social Welfare, Unicon Development President, Serge Pereira, famous film-maker Ricardo Macián and artists María José Ortega and David de Ubaldis.

UNICON is a charitable organization with a mission to facilitate sustainable socio-economic development in Africa’s disadvantaged communities.


“We strongly believe in development through education”


Education is the most powerful and effective tool to empower people and transform lives. It brings independence, innovation and prosperity.

Our actions also target the improvement of quality of life, health care, women’s and children’s conditions by providing opportunities to the community, generating employment, improving profesional skills and labor conditions.


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