Unicon Guinea. New website.

Unicon Development Guinea has launched its new blog www.uniconguinea.com.  Projects and work contents, as well as issues related with employees and social cooperation are published on it.

unicon guinea blog“For a long time now, we are working very hard and with sacrifice, putting a lot of effort into our duties, and it’s time to let the world know about it.”

Unicon Guinea, managed by Jesús Bayarri, is doing a great job in the town of Oyala with the construction of the American University of Central Africa, which is creating interest among its population since it will mark a milestone.

It should be noted the values of the company team that believes in local employees by supporting them with personal and professional training programs.

Unicon Guinea is a brand known in the country not only for its work but also for its cooperation and social actions.

Definitely,  it will be a window to know Unicon day to day work via pictures and news.  Join us!

As a reward we just hope to get your attention for this work which we prepare with so much passion. Are you on board? 

Visit website: unicon guinea

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