Our People – Our Quality Control Management Committee.

Our Quality Control Management Committee (QCMC) ensures top quality products and services, as well as reduces the environmental impact of our activity.

This Committee is formed by professionals with the ability and training to oversee that Company is progressing successfully. It is leaded by people with high qualifications (the Quality Assurance Coordinator is a civil engineer, the QCMC chairman is an industrial engineer and HSEQ chairman is a surgeon) and they provide the required accreditations on this field and great work experience in Integrated Management Systems.

We think that quality control and assurance is key to any successful business.

Quality Control Management Committee_working in the officePicture 1. Working in the office. Bernardo Lafuente (QCMC Chairman) and Raquel Sáez (QA. Coordinator)

The Quality Management System objectives are focused on Total Quality Management. TQM is a comprehensive management approach that works horizontally across an organization, involving all departments and employees and extending backward and forward to include both suppliers and clients/customers.

The Environmental Management System is integrated in order to identify the most significant environmental impacts of our activity and taking them into account in the operational control to achieve the smallest possible environmental impact.

That is the reason why, the design and development of our projects include not only the material resources and necessary equipment, but also the control of operational processes, and the adequate documentation to accomplish these requirements.

Quality Control Management Committee_documentation_proceduresPicture 2. There are a lot of documental work.

The HSEQ (Health, Save, Environmental and Quality) Department constituted in Equatorial Guinea (Unicon Guinea) during the construction of the Project for the American University of Central Africa has reached significant measurable achievements not only by diminishing the accidents rate on site, but also by introducing fundamental mind and behavior changes, in awareness-raising through employees training.

Health Save Environmental and QualityPicture 3. Juan Carlos Arias (Chairman of HSEQ Department) with his work team.

This department implements periodically trains and supervises their direct employees and subcontractors. At the same time, makes sure that workwear and PPEs are the proper ones on site. Collective protections are constantly check out as well.

Health Save Environmental and Quality_inspections       Health Save Environmental and Quality_trainingsPicture4. Periodic trainings and inspections.

All the actions that HSEQ Team has been taking since its foundation are aimed at promouting culture of Safety and Environmental awareness friendly: HSEQ wants to be regarded not as a department that imposes rules but as a team that advocates for preventive cooperative culture.

They have been achieving many benefits on site, regarding cleanness and order and they have also been reducing risk factors and environmental emergencies.

Cleaness and management of wastes_Before_1       Cleaness and management of wastes_After_1Picture5. Cleanness and management of wastes.

Cleaness and management of wastes_Before_2       Cleaness and management of wastes_After_2Picture6. Cleanness and management of wastes.

Each department in the organization works in accordance to the requirements of the International Organization for Standardization’s ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. They are working in this way to demonstrate our capacity to develop big projects in all kind conditions and by respecting international standards of execution and quality. They also guarantee environmentally friendly products and services.

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