Unicon joined the Forum of Business and Companies Spain/Republic of Guinea

Last May 22nd Unicon Development joined the Forum of Business and Companies Spain/ Republic of Guinea as partner of Club África Futuro and as cosponsor of the Forum.

The aim of the Forum was to bring to the Republic of Guinea Spanish companies with technology, know-how, expertise and knowledge of their sector of activity. These companies will undertake projects with local partners and will create employment and wealth.  This Forum is a great chance to strengthen commercial relations with the Republic of Guinea.

Global_Forum_Perspectiva_ de la reunión

The event was organized by Global International and counted with the collaboration of the Rpublic of Guinea Embassy.  Several personalities attended the event, among them, Mr Guillermo Ardizone, Ambassador of Spain in the Republic of Guinea, Mr Frédérik Kolié, Ambassador of  the Republic of Guinea in Spain, Mrs Purificación Angue, Equatorial Guinea Ambassador in Spain and the ambassador of Senegal, Mr Mamadou Deme.

All the speakers agreed that Africa is a continent with huge resources and perspectives and they invited the investors to look at Guinea as a source to invest in sectors such as- agriculture, mining, energy, tourism, infrastructures, etc. They highlighted the quick increase of investments in Guinea in the last ten years.

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Guillermo Ardizone. Ambassador of Spain in Guinea.

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Frédérik Kolie. Ambassador of Guinea in Spain.

Miguel Ángel García, representative of Unicon Development Spain, took part as speaker and introduced our company and our last project executed in Conakry –Palm Camayenne Hotel.

Global_Forum_ Miguel Ángel García_Managing Director UNICON

Miguel Ángel García. Representative of Unicon Development.

Unicon Development, together with Global Nostrum and Club África Futuro will organize the Forum in Conakry within several months at Palm Camayenne.

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